Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Thing # 12 Creating Community Through Commenting

Whew! This can be so overwhelming, addictive, as well as informative! Searching through others blogs, I came across a cool You Tube video which I immediately sent to my nephew in Utah--avid sci-fi junkie that he is will enjoy it!
I posted earlier in my blog about my disappointment in not getting more comments on my posts, even though I had already posted on several others. I posted on one of the linked blogs that it is like the old saying "to have a friend, be a friend." Well, o.k. Here I go. I have spent hours today on this thing, on my cell phone texting, and on the land line listening to a friend in need. This community we inhabit and its ever flattening environ is fascinating! I am somewhat intimidated by it, but also intrigued and "HOOKED"! So in accordance with this Activity, I will be posting more to other Library2Play blogs. Hope to hear back from you!
I am supposed to say something about what I feel is important from the articles and blogs we were instructed to read. Although I feel I have already expressed that, let me be more explicit. I agree that it is important that posting comments be easy. I was relieved that Doug Johnson said that he skips the ones that require a log-in, because I can already see this taking way too much time out of my limited clock hours, (especially after school starts back up!) I do feel that interaction is why we are in this and I intend to visit more of the other Library2Play blogs and comment in hopes to get some conversation going. I am feeling a little lonely out here! And I will be faithful to the rules of Edublogger Etiquette!

After listening to the podcast on "lurking", I just want to say that it is a way for those of us who are new and "shy" to get emboldened (is that a word?) to go ahead and jump in! So I have been lurking and will continue to do so. I tend only to speak up when I feel I have something significant or helpful to say. And that appears to be the gist of what many of the blogging etiquette articles say. There you have it--My two cents!


VWB said...

I know you would like to have more commentors...all bloggers hope for more, I know! i think you have reasonable are at a slight disadvataged because many of the bloggers in L2P know each other so they naturally comment more to each other. Just keep commenting to others and they will come to your blog.
It takes time...I have been blogging for almost 2 years and I don't get comments but every once and awhile...probably only about 2% of my readers actually comment...that's ok...I understand!
There are several players from your "neighborhood"...they just have not found you yet!
and yes, blogs are a great way for "quiet" people to express their views on of the reasons I started!
time...just give yourself will come together

myska said...

Thanks for the encouragement! I needed that! I am having fun with this and can see such possiblility for connecting with so many people with whom I would never have the opportunity to come into contact! Thanks for reading and commenting!

doug0077 said...

Hi Myska,

Don't get discouraged. It takes time for both a blogger to find his/her unique voice and to build readership. I suspect all of us need to answer the question: What am I saying that is different from all the other writers out there that gives my readers something of value.

From increased readership comes increased comments.

Oh, deliberately end your posts with a question. Might than increase comments?

All the best and good luck!
