Thursday, July 31, 2008

Done and Done, but not DONE IN!

It has been one wild ride and I have so many new tools and ideas to use with the students in my new library this year! I have mostly enjoyed the course and hope to participate in similar processes in the future!
Now I am going to cuddle with my furry friends, Willow and Onyx, who have been most patient as I spent hour after hour at the computer!


VWB said...

congratulations on completing your self-discovery summer technology adventure

goal23 said...

Your cat picture catched my attention, I also have a cat. Everytime I'm done with a "thing" I reach out to pet him.

myska said...

Thanks for your comment Goal23. I actually have four in my house right now. Two belong to my sister and I have them until she gets her new house. It will be a year at the end of Sept. They are all getting along, but there are days....LOL! Good luck with your 23 things!

Elizabeth *^..^* said...

Ohhh, these are beautiful babies. Great photograph!